

Deadman Wonderland

Deadman Wonderland

Chapter 58 : End

A huge anomaly ravaged the mainland in Japan and ruined most of Tokyo, sinking three quarters of town to the ocean.Ten years after, the narrative shifts to Ganta Igarashi, a seemingly average pupil attending the middle-school of Nagano Prefecture. As an escapee, a survivor of the quake that is fantastic, Ganta has lived a regular life and has no memories of the disaster. This all changes when a strange man covered in ruby armour and blood floats through his class-room windows. Grinning madly, the 'Red Man' massacres the whole class of Ganta but but rather of killing him, embeds a reddish crystal shard in the torso of Ganta. Within days of the massacre, Ganta is sentenced to death at Deadman Wonderland, a jail that doubles as a theme-park and is subjected to some kangaroo courtroom as a defendant.Arriving in the jail, Ganta is fitted using a unique apprehension which tracks important indicators and his place. A deadly toxin is continually injected in to his blood-stream through the grab, but nevertheless, it may be neutralized by have a particular sweet-like medication every three times, which is often had through various actions in the jail, i.e. performing for crowds, operating back-stage, buying with forged factors (a type of money among prisoners at Deadman Wonderland), etc. To assemble Cast Points, an offender must execute in the deadly games of the facility and live. Luckily for Ganta, a mysterious woman named Shiro, who seemingly understands Ganta, and is understood by other prisoners at the same time aids him.While wanting to live as an offender on death-row, Ganta means to locate the 'Red Man' to clear his title. In a weird turn, Ganta starts to acquire the capacity to control his blood, of making it a weapon to the idea. Unknown to Ganta, he's become one of the jail's "Deadmen," an isolated number of prisoners have the Branches of Sin making them capable of controlling their blood. Ganta is made to take part in cruel gladiatorial death matches called Carnival Corpse, whose anonymous viewers pay substantial amounts of cash to observe after his skill is found. In his lengthy battle to live he manages to befriend a few of those he fought off in the stadium and with their aid, Ganta proceeds his search to to discover the identification of the 'Red Man', why he changed into right into a Deadman, as well as the shadowy secrets the penitentiary authorities are concealing



Chapter 22

At the beginning of the 20th century American Doctor, Duncan MacDonald, engaged in a series of unethical experiments. Those experiments concluded that should one suffer a death not ordained by fate the human body lightened by an average of 30 grams, the weight of a man's soul stone. Today, two men, Sakarai and Amano, are in the hunt to find people who are about to die before their time and either prevent their unnatural death or recover these stones, "Livingstones."

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Kamisama Permanent


"I am depressed. Even if I'm a god ---."16-page oneshot depicting the melancholy of a god.

Smokin' Parade

Smokin' Parade

Chapter 49

If you liked Deadman Wonderland, you will loke this too. Synopsis will be written soon. A really interesting MC take a look and make yourself a picture.

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Chapter 7: Cord Of Patience Cut

The "Kyoto × youth × tattoo battle action" manga centers on Tsukimichi Dōri, whose speciality is "running away." Instead of entering high school, he runs away to Kyoto, but what awaits him is a great mystery, a mirror world where right and left are flipped. In this world, tattoo artists take place in a battle called "Bokusenkon." Tsukimichi must now make use of his escape skills as his "best and worst" youth is about to begin. From the creators of "Deadman Wonderland"!

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